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Camassia Bulbs

Camassia is a hardy plant that thrives in wet and heavy soil and is very sensitive to summer drought.  A summer flower, it has stiff floral spikes which have masses of starry blooms.  Native Americans used the bulbs for food.  June-July.

Cusickii Camassia

Cusickii Camassia
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Cusickii Camassia are native to the Northwestern part of this country. They are one of the few soft blue flowers that will happily naturalize in moist soils near ponds and streams.

Size: 16+ cm
Plant: 3 Bulbs Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Spring
Planting Depth: 4"
Height: 14"
Zone: 3-10
Exposure: Sunny/Semi-sunny

Leichtlinii Alba Camassia

Leichtlinii Alba Camassia
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Leichtlinii Alba Camassia produce up to 50 creamy white star-like flowers around and up the stalk which can reach up to 4 ft. tall in late spring.

Size: 16+ cm
Plant: 3 Bulbs Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Spring
Planting Depth: 4"
Height: 24"
Zone: 4-10
Exposure: Sunny/Semi-sunny

Quamash 'Esculenta' Camassia

Quamash 'Esculenta' Camassia
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Quamash 'Esculenta' Camassia (also known as Small Camas) have violet blue flowers which grow at the end of the stem. Will spread from seed.

Size: 6+ cm
Plant: 10 Bulbs Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Spring
Planting Depth: 2"
Height: 14"
Zone: 4-10
Exposure: Sunny/Semi-sunny

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